Monday, April 27, 2009

I would see myself do something after reading Obama’s quote and listening to Friedman’s speech. Maybe look for opportunities to help through the school because many times they will have many opportunities for students to help out and make a difference in others lives. Also through paying tithing, the church contributes our money to places in need. Not just through the school but also our church have opportunities for members to be active participants.
I will most definitely heed the admonition to avoid “indifference to suffering outside the border. I don’t know that I have been doing anything, but I would surely like to. Again I need to start by looking for opportunities to help those in other countries by going out and finding opportunities to serve, I could see what the school and church are offering.
When I personally evaluate myself and what I do, and perhaps what I could change through my resource consumption; I could recycle more; through away my trash; don’t buy what I don’t need; take a walk instead of drive; donate canned goods; turn off the water/ electricity when not in use; go out and serve others more; and become more actively involved in my community. I would also someday like to go to another country like Africa or just somewhere where my help is needed so I can help others. I know of a friend who has done this and I just thought what a great thing that was.
I do agree with Friedman’s assertion that we need to develop and encourage others to develop a more “positive imagination.” Maybe when people are complaining about something that is going wrong, perhaps about the world or economy I could have a more positive attitude about things instead of agreeing about things that are going wrong. I could try and make the best out of the worst conversations.
When Friedman exhort, to “export hope and not fear,” I think it means when people are so worried and fearful about what is happening in the world, when by doing this others become fearful as well. When something happens to our country and things aren’t so bright, I could try and improve this situation with others by being hopeful and knowing that God will take care of everything and as long as you are doing what ir right, you have no reason to fear.